- Facilitate communication, networking, collaboration, mentoring, professional development, and socializing among all persons engaged in any aspect of library services.
- Promote awareness of library resources, activities, practices, and goals both within its membership and to the community at-large.
- Advocate on behalf of all libraries and their services, resources, and workers.
(from our Bylaws)
CVLA is open to anyone interested in library services in the Cache Valley area of northern Utah & southeastern Idaho. Membership is free and is established by enrolling in the membership directory. To officially join, send an email to cachelibraries@gmail.com or sign up at one of our bimonthly meetings or activities. Registered members are eligible to vote and serve in leadership positions.
Books on Bikes Library Tour! 2014
2024 Elected Officers (Executive Committee)
President: Robert Heaton
EBSCO Information Services | 435-553-5722 | rheaton@ebsco.com
Vice President / President Elect: Anne Hedrich
Retired Librarian, USU Merrill-Cazier Library | uintasfamily at gmail dot com
Past President: Debbie Ogilvie
Logan Library | 435-716-9139 | debbie.ogilvie@loganutah.gov
Secretary: Breanna Van Dyke
USU Merrill-Cazier Library | 435-797-2647 | breanna.vandyke@usu.edu
Member at Large (Academic/Special): Kacy Lundstrom
USU Merrill-Cazier Library | 435-797-2285 | kacy.lundstrom@usu.edu
Member at Large (Public): Karen Bowling
Smithfield Public Library | 435-563-3555 ext 3 | kbowling@smithfieldcity.org
Member at Large (School): Jan Jensen
Spring Creek Middle School Media Center | 435-730-7702 | jan.jenson@ccsdut.org
Member at Large (Student/Paraprofessional): Abbie Chesley
USU Merrill-Cazier Library & Cache County Library | abbie.chesley@usu.edu
2024 Appointed Officers
Historian: Anne Hedrich
USU Merrill-Cazier Library, retired | uintasfamily at gmail dot com
Webmaster: Joseph N. Anderson
Logan Library | 435-716-9137 | joseph.anderson@loganutah.gov