Early History
In May, 2010, Puanani Mateaki, a new librarian at Stevens-Henager College Logan, introduced herself to Joseph Anderson, a new librarian at the Logan Library, and suggested that they start a local library association.
In November, 2011, Joseph started a Facebook group called 'Cache Library Association' and invited local library workers to join. Puanani, with Joseph's input, then planned in-person meetings.
Two meetings to discuss the association idea were held on 26 January 2012 at Stevens-Henager College Logan. 18 representatives from local libraries were in attendance. Those present were enthusiastic and the project gained momentum. The first general meeting was held 13 April 2012 at the Logan Library with 33 in attendance, including State Librarian Donna Jones Morris. Further meetings were scheduled and a bylaws committee was formed.
The organization was officially established with the adoption of the first bylaws by those present at the North Logan City Library on 11 October 2012.
The first executive committee was elected in December and took office on 10 January 2013 at the South Cache Middle School Media Center.
Elected & Appointed Officers
2013·President: Robert Shupe (Logan Library)
·Vice-President/President Elect: Joseph N. Anderson (Logan Library)
·Past President: Anne Hedrich (USU Merrill-Cazier Library)
·Secretary: Liz Woolcott (USU Merrill-Cazier Library)
·Member at Large - Academic: Pam Martin (USU Merrill-Cazier Library)
·Member at Large - Public: Shawn Bliss (Cache County Mobile Library)
·Member at Large - School: Julie Barlow (Mount Logan Middle School)
·President: Joseph N. Anderson (Logan Library)
·Vice President: Liz Woolcott (USU Merrill-Cazier Library)
·Past President: Robert Shupe (Logan Library)
·Secretary: Voni Roat (South Cache 8-9 Media Center)
·Member at Large - Academic: Betty Dance (USU Merrill-Cazier Library, retired)
·Member at Large - Public: Sarah Rigby (Newton Town Library)
·Member at Large - School: Sheri Haderlie (USU School Library Media Program)
·President: Liz Woolcott (USU Merrill-Cazier Library)
·Vice President: JaDene Denniston (Mountainside Elementary Media Center)
·Past President: Joseph N. Anderson (Logan Library)
·Secretary: Karen Bowling (Smithfield Public Library)
·Member at Large - Academic: Dory Cochran (USU Merrill-Cazier Library)
·Member at Large - Public: Shawn Bliss (Cache/Rich Bookmobile)
·Member at Large - School: Shay Woodruff-Walton (Logan High Media Center)
·President: Sarah Rigby (Newton Town Library)
·Vice President: Karen Clark (Logan Library)
·Past President: Dory Rosenberg (USU Merrill-Cazier Library)
·Secretary: Robert Heaton (USU Merrill-Cazier Library)
·Member at Large - Academic/Special: Andrea Payant (USU Merrill-Cazier Library)
·Member at Large - Public: Hollie Dabb (Logan Library)
·Member at Large - School: Vaughn Larson (Edith Bowen Laboratory School Library)
·Member at Large - Student/Paraprofessional: Frankie Urrutia Smith (Logan Library)
·Historian: Anne Hedrich (USU Merrill-Cazier Library)
·Webmaster: Morgan Capitan (North Logan City Library/Logan Library)
·President: Karen Clark (Logan Library)
·Vice President: Natalie Gregory (Logan Library)
·Past President: Sarah Rigby (Newton Town Library)
·Secretary: Robert Heaton (USU Merrill-Cazier Library)
·Member at Large - Academic/Special: Andrea Payant (USU Merrill-Cazier Library)
·Member at Large - Public: Hollie Dabb (Logan Library)
·Member at Large - School: Bonnie Odd (Ridgeline High School)
·Member at Large - Student/Paraprofessional: Brynnan Sainsbury (Cache County Library)
·Historian: Anne Hedrich (USU Merrill-Cazier Library)
·Webmaster: Morgan Capitan (North Logan City Library/Logan Library)
·President: Natalie Gregory (Logan Library)
·Vice President: Jennifer Duncan (USU Merrill-Cazier Library)
·Past President: Karen Clark (Logan Library)
·Secretary: Hollie Dabb (Logan Library)
·Member at Large - Academic/Special: Andrea Payant (USU Merrill-Cazier Library)
·Member at Large - Public: Morgan Capitan (North Logan Library/Logan Library)
·Member at Large - School: Jennie Little (Mount Logan Middle School)
·Member at Large - Student/Paraprofessional: Seth Westenburg (USU Merrill-Cazier Library)
·President: Anne Hedrich (retired from USU Merrill-Cazier Library)
·Vice President/President Elect: Shawn Bliss (Smithfield Library)
·Past President: Robert Heaton (EBSCO Information Services)
·Secretary: Jon Ramsten (community member)
·Member at Large - Public: Jessie Eiman (Mendon Library)
·Member at Large - School: Kaye Gensel (Adams Elementary School)
·Member at Large - Academic/Special: Jen Kirk (USU Merrill-Cazier Library)
·Member at Large - Student/Paraprofessional: Moni Edwards (Logan Library)