Congratulations to
Joseph Anderson
who was named our 2024 Library Hero!
"I would like to nominate Joseph Anderson as a library hero. Joseph has loved and worked in libraries for years. As assistant director and non-fiction librarian at the Logan Library, he advocates for collection diversity and freedom to read, making sure that his collection has items to fill the needs of all members of the community. He is also a strong advocate for patron privacy. Joseph helps facilitate Friends of the Library and has also helped form partnerships with community entities such as Helicon West. Joseph has been involved in CVLA from the beginning. He currently serves as web master keeping the community informed. He also keeps us on track and makes sure we adhere to the by-laws. Joseph has combined his love of libraries with his inclination as a history buff. For his MSLS, he wrote a research paper on the history of past and present attempts to form a county-wide library system in Cache County. He also recently gave a presentation for the Cache Valley Historical Society on the history of the Logan Library. All in all, Joseph works to help libraries be the best they can. Isn’t that a library hero?"
(nominated by Lauri Hancey)
The award was presented to Joseph on Tue, Jan 23 at our membership meeting at the USU Merrill-Cazier Library.