Tuesday, February 18, 2025

2025 Unconference

Join us for our first UnConference in six years!

Saturday, March 1, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Adams Elementary in Logan

It's a time to explore, collaborate, brainstorm, and share fun ideas with our library friends and colleagues! Light snacks will be provided.


Monday, January 27, 2025

2025 Library Hero Award

We are pleased to announce the winner of our Library Hero Award for 2025: 
JaDene M. Denniston!


"JaDene served as a school librarian in Cache Valley schools for 37 years at 7 different libraries! She was responsible for setting up three of those libraries. She believes in the right to read books of your choice and has been instrumental in setting up district policies against book banning and promoting the right to read. She was also an instructor at Utah State University teaching students how to be media school specialists. I have spoken to some of those students who consider her an invaluable mentor and dear friend.

"JaDene has served on the Logan Library Board for 8 years, even chairing the board some of that time. She was instrumental in passing several library policies including our public internet and collection development policies. She was an early member of CVLA and its president in 2016. She has served on the Friends of the Logan Library including being president from 2022-2024. And when the Friends lost their 501(c)(3) status, JaDene worked tirelessly to get all the paperwork done with the state to get us into compliance. JaDene’s work with the Friends supported the construction of the new Logan Library including the purchase of some of the furniture for the outdoor terrace.

"JaDene is a treasure! She is devoted to libraries and the difference they make in people’s lives. She is truly a Hero in our Library world!"